Overall objective of the Project
Overall objective is to create conditions for effective use of local tourism development capacities based on cultural heritage of the border regions. Project seeks to intensify cooperation of 3 cultural organizations in development of tourism focused cultural products (tourism & cultural programmes, cross-border activities & events), contributing to social, economic development & well-being of the population in the region. Furthermore, this cooperation will favour promotion of local culture & preservation of building with cultural heritage (reconstruction of 1 cultural object, which will host the cross-border cultural centre).
The main task of the cross-border culture art space is to create a platform for promotion of the target regions as a joint tourism destination serving a basis for joint cultural events, creating market for local tourism products (handicrafts, winery & cuisine), promotion & training activities for cultural managers & local producers.
Project overview
Nowadays, to be competitive with other tourism destinations smaller tourist regions (border regions HU, SK & UA) must unite efforts positioning themselves as a single tourism destination offering the sophisticated tourist a complex tourism package with integrated cultural programmes. In spite of the advantages given (natural values, rich history & culture), our regions face major problems on this way: cultural objects & historic sites are neglected & unused for cultural life & tourism; local managers & producers lack skills to develop tourist products, organizing marketing activities; local culture based products are insufficient, poorly coordinated & marketed; CBC opportunities in cultural tourism management & coordination are not utilized. In attempt to improve the situation the project seeks to unite the border regions & create a Cross-Border Culture Art Space. It is a unique platform for CBC in developing of tourism focused cultural events & programmes, marketing of local traditional products, presenting of cultural & historical heritage, professional development opportunities for local cultural managers, producers & other tourism actors, in other words it is the “driving force” of cultural development & tourism of CB region. Thus, the following results will be achieved: 3 CBCAS cultural centres established in UA, SK & HU based in historical & cultural sites reconstructed; the centres filled with cultural programmes & tourism attractions for visitors; cultural managers & local producers acquired skills of tourism product development & marketing; tourism attractions mapped & promoted; cultural heritage presented through CB cultural events/programmes (43 cultural events & activities in the project). The project will produce benefits for the target groups (cultural managers, local producers – skills, expertise, marketing) & final beneficiaries (tourists, local people – cultural events & programmes, information on regions’ opportunities, interactive programmes).