Perényi Cultural Mansion is teeming with life in Beregardó. The non-governmental organization Pro Cultura Subcarpathica (PCS) operating in the building, examined the challenges of the following period.

Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education has rented the building since 2016, and its renovation was implemented with Hungarian financial support. Within the framework of the EU Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Cross-Border Culture Art Space 2014-2020 project, Pro Cultura Subcarpathica undertook the purchase of all equipments needed in the mansion.
As a result of a successful application, the NGO is organizing cultural management and marketing trainings, musical, drama pedagogy, dance, singing and gastro-cultural events. Furthermore, exciting concerts, exhibitions and crafting sessions are planned to be held.

At the kick-off meeting, PCS staff and their partners were informed that the educational materials for manager training is ready to use, just like a joint study with Slovak and Hungarian partners.
“The main goal of the Cross-Border Culture Art Space is to create a platform to promote common tourist destinations, which could form the basis of common cultural events, as well as training activities for cultural leaders and local manufacturers,” said Marianna Pallagi, director of PCS.
So there is a lot of work waiting for the staff of the organisation, and even more programs for the Transcarpathian community in Beregardó, which we will regularly report on in the following period.